Maroondah City Council offers assistance with various issues relating to hoarding and squalor through the following service areas:
- Aged and Disability
- Community Health
- Local Laws
Aged and Disability
Maroondah City Council has a Vulnerable Person’s Coordinator who may work with people with complex needs such as hoarding. They may also help to connect people to a range of other supports.
There are two main programs that provide support to people with the goal to remain living safely within their own home. Access to these programs is usually through a Home Support Assessment which involves meeting with the person, usually at their home and having a discussion, focusing on identifying the person’s individual needs and then identifying appropriate services and supports. The programs include:
Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
The Commonwealth government funded program provides services for people aged 65 years of age or older (50+ for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island people). To access this program phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit My Aged Care.
Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACCPYP)
This program is funded by the Victorian government and provides services for people with a disability aged under 65 years (under 50 years for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island people). To enquire about this program, phone Council’s Council Aged and Disability Services on 9294 5729 or email maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au.
Support services may also include:
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Council employs a NDIS Transition Coordinator to assist clients to access this scheme - Information, referral and linking to other agencies
- Respite care
- Delivered meals
- Personal care
- Social support (group and individual)
- Home maintenance
- Domestic assistance
- Shopping assistance
Contact for Council’s Aged and Disability Services
Telephone: 9294 5729
Email: maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au
In person: Croydon Council Offices, Civic Square, Croydon 3136
Community Health
Environmental Health Response
Local council environmental health officers (EHO’s) respond to public health hazards, assess public health risks and take appropriate action where necessary.
EHO’s may be alerted to cases of hoarding and squalor when investigating nuisances under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. If an EHO determines there is a risk to public health, they can issue the risk be rectified under the Act, or seek a warrant from the Magistrates Court to gain entry to a private property.
Although investigating hoarding and squalor is not their primary role, if there is a risk to public health causing a nuisance, they are able to intervene.
Examples of risks to public health causing public nuisance include:
- infestation of vermin
- using the rear yard as a toilet
- rotting stored garbage resulting in odours and health issues
Work by EHO’s requires special consideration and approach as investigations usually aim to prevent health impacts, whilst excessive collecting, hoarding and squalor is usually due to pre-existing health issues.
EHO’s work in collaboration with other Council departments, networks and external agencies to help create action plans to resolve hoarding and squalor related issues with the least distress possible to a person while balancing the risk to public health.
Local Laws
Council’s local laws team can investigate and take action relating to unsightly property (including overgrown vegetation, accumulation of materials, rubbish or animal waste), fire risk or a dangerous property with street frontage.
To contact Council’s local laws team phone 1300 88 22 33.